Category: Home Improvment

Getting Ready to Sell? AS IS or for Top Dollar? Top Tips to Help You Price it Right for YOUR Situation By Mindi Rudan

Posted on June 6, 2019 by Great Florida Homes

You know how every January you “start that diet” you’ve managed to put off the rest of the year… or pledge allegiance to a new exercise regime? In real estate, it’s kinda the same thing when spring and summer roll around. Especially if you go on vacay and drive-thru quaint neighborhoods. You see yourself in a …


The Benefits of Choosing Hurricane Windows

Posted on May 3, 2019 by Great Florida Homes

When you’re looking to buy a property, how much stock do you put into the safety of the home? Sure, you could check crime in the area online or drive around the neighborhood to get a feel for it. In South Florida, another thing to think about is protecting your home from hurricanes. Whether you’re …

Home Insurance

Home Insurance – When to Review and Update

Posted on March 19, 2019 by Great Florida Homes

Home Insurance – When to Review and Update In our last blog, we discussed what homeowners insurance you need when buying a new home. Today, we are continuing with the topic of home insurance – when to review and update. Some people think that once they buy their property insurance, they are done for the …

Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners Insurance – What Do I Need?

Posted on February 26, 2019 by Great Florida Homes

Homeowners Insurance – What Do I Need for a New Home Purchase? Before you sign the papers and get the key to your new home, there is something else you need to take care of – homeowners insurance. A home is the most expensive investment most people will ever make. You want to make sure …

Increase Home Value

How to Increase Home Value – Top 9 Tips for Success

Posted on January 16, 2019 by Great Florida Homes

Before you put your home on the market, finding out how to increase home value is a crucial first step. You might be surprised how easy it is to make a few simple changes yet see a hefty asking price jump. Today, we will show you the top 9 tips for success for increasing home …


10 Tips For Creating An Energy Efficient Home

Posted on June 19, 2018 by Great Florida Homes

There are countless benefits to creating an energy efficient home from the environmental stipulations to the overall financial benefits. Here are some helpful tips and suggestions for making sure your home is getting the best of both worlds. Replace your old(er) appliances Switching your refrigerator, washer/dryers, or dishwasher to a more energy efficient model, such …


Home Improvements With Your Tax Refund

Posted on March 11, 2016 by Great Florida Homes

Are you getting a tax refund this year? We have discussed how to maximize your refund, now let’s put that refund back to work on your house! The average tax refund is between $2,500 to $3,000. Even if your refund wasn’t quite that much there are lots of ways to put that money to use in your …


Resolutions for your Home in 2016!

Posted on December 1, 2015 by Great Florida Homes

It is now December, which means 2015 is coming to a close! With the new year we all make resolutions to ourselves about what we want to accomplish. We all make goals for ourselves, such as lose weight or save money, but what resolutions are you making for your home? Here are some resolutions you …


Rainy Day DIY Projects

Posted on April 29, 2015 by Great Florida Homes

South Florida’s rainy season doesn’t begin until June, but lately it feels like it has already begun! Take advantage of these rainy days by taking the time to do some simple home improvement projects while you’re stuck indoors. A few ideas to get you started are: Switch the places of a few pieces of furniture. …


Quick and Easy Bedroom Remodeling

Posted on March 12, 2015 by Great Florida Homes

The average person will spend about 229,961 hours sleeping in their beds in their lifetime, that’s about 25 years! Shouldn’t the place you spend this much time in your home be in the best condition possible? There are plenty of ways to remodel your bedroom without breaking down any walls! Here are some quick tips …