My Down Payment was a Washer and Dryer

My Down Payment was a Washer and Dryer

Posted on October 24, 2012 by Great Florida Homes

Talking to my Mom, the other day about the various situations we have with our real estate transaction and one particular transaction where the financing is a challenge.

She pipes in, “Our First Home we traded a washer and dryer for our down payment”.      

Seriously?!?!  Oh Yes, she was serious.  Said they were coming from a 27′ trailer and didn’t have a lot of money, so Dad would go to distress sales or garage sales and pick up used items, repair them or clean them up and sell them.

It made me wish for the simpler days when there were not so many regulations that keep people from making a buy and sale transaction easier.

When I started selling, contracts were 6 pages.  They are near 20 pages now with all of the disclosures.

And a washer and dryer as a Down Payment?!?! Highly unlikely – A Car Maybe?

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