National Day of Prayer for Coral Springs Florida

National Day of Prayer for Coral Springs Florida

Posted on April 30, 2013 by Great Florida Homes
Come to Pray Together
Come to Pray Together

The 25th National Day of Prayer will be held this year on May 2nd at the Coral Springs Charter School in Coral Springs, Florida.     

National Day of Prayer in Coral Springs Florida
National Day of Prayer in Coral Springs Florida

This interfaith prayer service is very moving when faith, hope and oneness is shared with open hearts.   

This year’s community gathering marks the City’s 25th celebration of this national event, where participants of all faiths come together for a candlelight service to pray for our nation, our leaders, and peace. All congregations and 
residents are welcome to attend. 

 Refreshments will be provided.

Charter School cafeteria is located at 3205 University Drive on the southeast corner of Sample and University.
New congregations are encouraged to contact the City to be included on the mailing list.
For additional information, call 954-344-1063.
